Friday, January 1, 2010


1. Kuhu ma olen jõudnud aasta 2010 alguseks?

Jem- Just a ride

Life, it's ever so strange
It's so full of change
Think that you've worked it out
Right out of the blue
Something happens to you
To throw you off course
And then you

Yeah you breakdown
Well don't you breakdown
Listen to me

It's just a ride, it's just a ride
No need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you round and round
Sometimes you're up
Sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride

tõsi ta on et ma seda olen juba mõistnud. kui ikka midagi väga perse läheb, siis tuleb lihtsalt oodata ja noh
küllap varsti jälle kõik cool bananas on, ma loodan.

2. Aasta 2010 põhiülesanne

Laura Marling- Old stone

You can chase me through the rain and scream my name, a childish game
But I love to be young.
But honey I was never going to change,
And honey you were never going to change
But don't you love, don't you love me that way?

Põhiülesanne on siis muutuda või mitte muutuda? Jumal seda teab.

3. Eneseteostus aastal 2010. Minu „mina“ 2010. aastal

Laura Marling- My manic and I

And sometimes I'm convinced my friends think I am crazy, get scared and call him but he's usually hazy.

By one in the morning day is not ended, by two he is scared and sleep is no friend, and by four he will
drink but cannot feel it, sleep will not come because sleep does not will it and I dont believe him.
Morning is mocking me.

arvatavasti saab minust siis psühhopaat

4. Rahaasjad aastal 2010

Alanis Morrisette- Hand in my pocket

Im broke, but im happy

ma arvan et see ütleb kõik:D

5. Sugulased ja naabrid 2010. aastal

Mary's in India- Dido

Eeee.. olen kaugel ära ja sugulased ja naabrid on kaugel.. indeed

6. Kodu aastal 2010

Avril Lavigne- Things i'll never say

It don't do me any good it's just a waste of time
What use is it to you what's on my mind?
If it ain't comin' out, we're not going anywhere
So why can't I just tell you that I care?

diip, peaks perele ütlema kuiväga ma neid ikka armastan või mis

7. Armastus aastal 2010

Kylie Minogue- Fever

I've been bitten by the bug and I am coming down with oh
Something that can't be cured
There aint a doctor in this town who is more qualified than you
Yeah to be so adored

So tell me what do you prescribe for these symptoms
A heart beating faster and work is a disaster
I'm lovesick when you're not around
Check me over
When strong hands and healing
I'm dancing on the ceiling

Peaks vist hästi minema:D

8. Tervis aastal 2010

Evanescence-Call Me When You're Sober

Joon vist surnuks ennast, peaks ette vaatama

9. Partnerlus aastal 2010

Kylie Minogue- 2 hearts

No taaskord ülim luww peaks tulema:D

10. Võõrad rahad ja laenud, müstika ja seks aastal 2010

Maria Mena- Lose control

wohho, saan palju wildi seksi... või ei:(

11. Reisid aastal 2010

Paper Plains- Mia

I fly like paper get high like planes..

12. Karjäär, firma areng, uued kohustused aastal 2010

Maria Mena - Blame it on me

Haha, päris lamp:(

13. Sõbrad ja sotsiaalsed suhted aastal 2010
Mika- Lollypop

WOHHO PRALLE VIST, sest love is gonna get you down

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